From the words of Kerry Caldwell: “I am a burn survivor, domestic abuse survivor, and mother after infertility using donor eggs and IVF. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. During pregnancy I had multiple scars including a subchorionic hematoma and retro placental hematoma, early pre-eclampsia, and a growth restricted fetus. I spent many weeks on bedrest in both my first and third trimesters and I was also on pelvic rest and light duty for my entire pregnancy. After birth my placenta didn’t deliver as normal and my OB had to literally scrape it out of me with his bare hands, tearing it into chunks while doing so. I was unable to ultimately have the natural birth I hoped for because of the pre-eclampsia and was induced at 38 weeks. I did end up having an epidural at the encouragement of one of my doulas to help control my skyrocketing blood pressure, however I was able to deliver vaginally. Luckily after the birth I have had no issues with breastfeeding and my son has never had to be supplemented with formula. I quit my job in the brewing industry to be a stay at home mom for the time being, with no long term plan as to how long I’ll be out of work.”

Resources: reddit infertility groups

BIO: Kerry Caldwell lives in Boise Idaho with her husband and son. She is a burn survivor, domestic abuse survivor, and mother after infertility using donor eggs and IVF. Today she shares her long journey to becoming a mother.